Dry Docking

At Transcap, we offer a wide range of Dry-Docking Services tailored for the proper upkeeping of your vessels during the dry-docking period. From essential maintenance to repairs to inspections, we are ready to help you with any type of expert assistance required in the process. We can also assist you with inward and outward clearance, accommodation and visa, and arrangements for bunker fuel, spares and other provisions.

Dry Docking Services required by each vessel are different. Hence, when you contact us for help, we will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your vessel certificates- the operational requirements, size and type - and tailor the services accordingly. We have partnerships with a growing number of shipyards and dry docks throughout the UAE. So, we are in a position to guarantee you uninterrupted, detailed and superior-quality dry docking services at any port or location in the UAE.

In addition to the usual services, we provide legal assistance and help you obtain permits in case your vessel requires to stay in foreign water for more than 21 days. For instance, FTA (Federal Transport Authority) permits in the UAE.